St John Medium Leisure Kit

Kit Leisure Medium
1 x 1070 Bandage Crepe 5cm
2 x 1080 Bandage Crepe 7.5cm
2 x 1085 Bandage Crepe 10cm
1 x 1128 Tape Surgical 2.5cm x 9m
2 x 1181 Bandage Triangular 110cm
1 x 1210 Cold Pack Instant
3 x 2020 Swabs Gauze 7.5cm x 7.5cm 3s
2 x 2050 Dressing Combine 10cm x 10cm
2 x 223501 Dressing Island Adhesive 8.3cm x 6cm
10 x 2290 Swabs Alcohol
2 x 2140 Dressing Non-Adherent 7.5cm x 10cm
2 x 2170 Pad Eye
1 x 2230 Strips Adhesive Plastic 50s
2 x 305402L Gloves Nitrile Large 2s
1 x 3010 Scissors Sharp-Blunt Stainless Steel 12.5cm
1 x 3070 Forceps Sharp Stainless Steel 12.5cm
1 x 3080 Blanket Emergency Accident
1 x 309105 Probes Splinter 5s
1 x 3130 Pins Safety Assorted 12s
1 x 3140 Notepad and Pencil
1 x 3325 St John Emergency First Aid A Quick Guide
1 x 353802 Face Shield CPR without valve
1 x 4057 Bag Specimen Biohazard
10 x 505415 Wipes Antiseptic
5 x 5111 Saline Eye and Wound Irrigation 15ml
2 x 514000 Sachet Burnaid 3.5g

Size: 30 x 20 x 13cm
Weight: 1.51 kg
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